Good Afternoon,

Conditions are rather mild this week, bringing on a much needed boost to several different commodities!

There is a surge of LEMONS into the market. We are seeing tons of availability, especially on smaller sizes. California markets are so-so but the influx of IMPROT SUPPLIES has brought down pricing, especially on the east coast. Look for this trend to continue into next week and please call us if you are looking for any LEMON SPECIALS!

Most Washington CHERRY shippers will wrap up production this week. There may be a few more shippers around next week but as the old saying goes, you usually don't want to be the first in, or the last out. We will have a FRESH lot of CHERRIES in next week but that will be the last of the season.

GAPS we were facing on CAULIFLOWER and BROCCOLI seem to be coming to an end. Higher temperatures have sped up harvests allowing supplies to catch up to demand. Hopefully, this trend will continue as schools begin to start up again over the next 3-4 weeks.

ASPARAGUS markets remain UNCHANGED. There are some rumblings of supplies improving next week but we have yet to see any increase in availability. LARGER sizes are still seeing more difficulties in condition as well as supply.

PEARS are tight and getting tighter! Washington and import BOSC are finished for the season. California supplies have started but the larger sizes are incredibly scarce, and costing over $50 FOB. SMALLER BOSC have a bit more availability, but markets are still moving up. IMPORT D.ANJOU PEARS are finished but there are still a few players out in Washington packing up fruit.

PEAR and APPLE markets will continue to MOVE UP IN PRICE until we start to see some new crop harvest out of WASHINGTON and MICHIGAN later this month. Significant supplies will start to pop up around late September.

YAM markets are moving up as we get into new crop out of N Carolina and Georgia. New crop sizing will be larger so please be advised. As this market is typically flat, due to very slow and steady growing conditions, changes can take a while. Please be patient as it will also take some time for supplies to pick up and this market to come back down again.

More as it happens,
Parker Tannehill

Parker Tannehill